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Son of
The All Father








180 lbs.







The All Father(father),
Helena(mother, deceased),
Evrii(wife), Kale(son), 
Tirus(father in-law)



Master controller and 
manipulator of Spear Energy, 
Inter-planetary flight, 
Enhanced Strength, 
Faster than light reaction 
speed, Spear Energy blasts,
Enhanced durability




After the end of The Long Sleep, The All Father traveled to Yres where he met Helena. Love filled the cosmos and they had a son, Corrin. But sadly, tragedy struck the Black Palace and Helena died during childbirth. From that moment, Corrin was left in the mercy of his father, and instead of having a normal childhood, Corrin’s youth was filled with trauma, emotional abuse, and pain. 


Corrin had mismatching eyes since birth. One green like his mothers, the other white as snow, like The All Father. His hair was black like his mothers, sporting it short as a child and letting grow longer as he aged. 


Throughout his youth, Corrin loved to study the known history of the universe. He considered himself a student of anthropology, science, philosophy, and art. His curiosity of how things were made, understanding other cultures, and sympathizing with the people of the universe always clashed with his fathers beliefs. 


Growing up in the Black Palace, Corrin was expected to grow and rule the known worlds just like his father. The All Father had Corrin study across the planetary kingdom with the best minds. On his tenth birthday, Corrin was sent abroad, leaving the Black Palace for the first time on a tour across the universe. 


His travels brought him to various worlds. On Kkooddrraa he escaped warlords and gambled with bandits. Although The All Father expected this time to be spent studying, Corrin used it to indulge himself with everything he loved. With his traveling companion and guard, Syeron, the duo got into all sorts of danger and fun.



During his travels abroad, Corrin visited The Sanctuary of Time. He spent a few days with Zaman, asking the Time Keeper questions and picking his brain about the beginning of the universe. As he left Zaman's sanctuary, Corrin stole a book, curious to read and learn more. The book depicted every known world across the universe; planets still around, and some destroyed by natural causes. 


One planet the book depicted was Halvodon. The book described it as a beautiful planet with lively landscapes and grazing creatures called Balakars. Corrin was mesmerized by the world but was confused as to why it wasn't on his itinerary of planets to visit. He asked Syeron, who was quick to shut down Corrin down. Corrin persisted, forcing Syeron to reroute them from their next destination and to set course to Halvodon. 


Once they arrived, what Corrin saw shocked him. The planet described in his book was not what he was seeing with his eyes. What he saw was a desolate world, a barren wasteland with no life for as far as the eye could see. Before the ship he was on could land, it was shot out of the sky, crash-landing hard. Syeron and Corrin survived the crash, but the noise brought them unwanted attention. 


Halvodis, the native people of Halvodon attacked Corrin and Syeron, forcing them to flee deep into the planet's wasteland. They were chased and hunted down, before being captured. At a young age, Corrin witnessed his best friend and traveling companion Syeron executed right in front of him. Corrin was knocked out and brought to Hokdro, the ruined capital city of Halvodon. There he met Hirvrin, leader of the Halvodis, and Hivli, son of Havroy


It was in Hokdro where Corrin learned the truth about Halvodon. During The All Fathers reconquest of the universe, Halvodon refused to submit to the Black Palace. Instead of using his military force, The All Father attacked Halvodon himself by using the Spear of Space. The Halvodis were massacred by the billions, reducing the once populous planet to a mere few thousand survivors. 


Corrin was shocked to hear Hirvrin tell him this. He was raised to believe his father was beloved across the stars. He couldn't fathom his dad doing something so heinous, so evil. Later that night, the Halvodis gathered around a fire to share food and drinks. They huddled together and sang Elegy of the Halvodis, a song that details the day The All Father destroyed their home. Corrin listened in anguish. As the night progressed, a crack in the sky shook the entire planet. Corrin and the Halvodis looked up at the night sky as The All Father zoomed through the atmosphere and landed in the center of Hokdro. 


The All Father laid waste to the survivors, charging them with kidnapping his son. Corrin watched in horror as The All Father murdered men, women, and children. For the first time in his life, Corrin was afraid of his own dad. 


That night on Halvodon shaped Corrin into the man he grew up to be. The trauma, guilt, and pain he experienced stuck him up until adulthood. After that night, The All Father blamed Corrin for Syeron's death and changed his studies from cultural understanding to more military and combat training. For the next 10 years of his life, Corrin was molded into a herald for The All Father, a killer for the Black Palace. His ferocity earned him the name Shepherd of Fire. 



After the events on Halvodon, The All Father changed Corrin's studies abroad and sent him to Ovaseryn to hone his Spear Energy abilities. From there, he was sent to train on Di, Telamor, Catovaz, and Scav. He was put through rigorous combat training by several instructors, and on various planets, his survival skills were tested. 


On Di, he was forced to survive alone in the swamp lands of the planet, fighting off the native creatures. On Catovaz, he was stripped of anything of warmth and made to fend for himself against the elements. On Scav, the Fire Warriors conditioned his skin, toughening it against flames and fire. On Telamor, the half-man, half-beast inhabitants put Corrin through intensive hand-to-hand combat training. Before all this, Corrin had minor training from Black Palace instructors back home, but the physicality he experienced on these planets was new to him. The boy who loved to study the cultural aspects of each world was gone, and a new man was born. 


By 800,043, Corrin was ready to take his place in the Black Palace Military. Instead of leading an already established platoon, he formed his own unit called Spearhead. He was inspired by the unit SPECTERS which were tasked to hunt down Itarian loyalists during the reconquest years. He traveled the stars, gathering the deadliest and strongest Spear Energy users to form the elite task force. Corrin led Spearhead to squash rebellions against the Black Palace, killing in the name of The All Father. His ferocity and rage were unmatched, earning him the title Shepherd of Fire. 


As the Shepherd, he spread fear and terror across the cosmos. Since Black Palace limited communication between worlds and controlled space travel, Corrin as the Shepherd of Fire was known to only a few. Everyone had heard of a man leading Black Palace forces, and tales of his brutality reached almost every corner of the universe. But not everyone knew that it was Corrin, son of The All Father, who was the Shepherd of Fire. 


In 800,048 Corrin and Spearhead were preoccupied with ending a rebellion on Catovaz. Around this time, the Union of Planets was beginning to form and The All Father wanted Spearhead to end it. Some members of Spearhead worked with The RED to infiltrate the Union's leadership and destroy it from within. Corrin allowed members of his unit to assist but was unaware of their true involvement until years later. 


Corrin hated the title Shepherd of Fire, but nonetheless, he still committed the crimes for his father, When the 3rd Pugart Rebellion sparked in 800,050, Corrin was weighed down by blood he had spilled over the years. Spearhead was on a mission in the Davos Binary System, so Corrin went to Pugart alone. It was there that he felt the full weight of his crimes as he killed the leader of the rebellion. â€‹â€‹â€‹



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The 3rd Pugart Rebellion shook Corrin to his core, making him question his reality and who he was as a man. Corrin's defeat of the rebels marked an end of the reconquest years and solidified The All Fathers' control over the known worlds. This started the 12 Good Years. â€‹â€‹â€‹


At the start of the 12 Good Years, Corrin traveled to Rashalon to attend the Viceroy Gala for Tirus. There he met Evrii, who would later become his wife. At first, Evrii was indifferent about Corrin, only knowing tales of his ferocity and brutality as a herald for The All Father. After getting to know him, Evrii saw that there was more to Corrin than the stories she had heard. 


After marrying, Corrin and Evrii moved to Arcadia. They turned the world into a beacon for the universe, allowing all the races to move there and creating the first metropolitan planet across the stars. Since the 12 Good Years marked an era of peace, Corrin began to do what he loved as a boy. He continued his studies, collected art across the universe, and learned more about the several cultures under the banner of the Black Palace. He invited Warrior Priests to come live on Arcadia and together they forged a brotherhood and sisterhood of allies and friends. Some of them were Zhao-Lan, Drisa-Yun, and Wi-Lao


Spearhead was disbanded during this era as well, resulting in its members seeking employment in the Subspace Underworld. Around this time Corrin and Evrii had their first child, Kale, with their second child Lynn following three years later. 


The 12 Good Years allowed Corrin to break away from his father's shadow and build a life for himself. It allowed Corrin to be his own man without the pressure of The All Father weighing down on him. Toward the beginning of 800,063, the peace that reigned for twelve years shattered. 




The 12 Good Years came to an abrupt end toward the beginning of 800,063. The All Father summoned Corrin to the Black Palace to discuss new worlds that were discovered. The plan was for the Black Palace to conquer these worlds and assimilate them under The All Fathers' domain. 


Corrin protested, using the confidence he built during his time away from his father. The All Father wanted Corrin to lead the invasion but Corrin said no. He said that the new worlds should have a choice in joining the Black Palace. He made it clear that he would lead an introductory mission, and that if the planets declined, they would be left alone. The All Father agreed and Corrin left to Arcadia. 


Later that night something felt off to Corrin. He had the coordinates to the new worlds and went to visit. When he arrived, what he found destroyed him, His father had lied straight to his face. The Black Palace Military had already begun its invasion of one of the new worlds, killing thousands. Corrin was beside himself. The memories of that night on Halvodon rushed back into his mind. He knew he couldn't allow his father to continue with the invasion and subjugate them to tyranny, so he traveled back to the Black Palace. 


Back in his childhood home, Corrin confronted his dad. He called The All Father a monster, a tyrant and made his anger towards him known. For the first time in his life, he spoke his mind freely without fear. The All Father lashed out, threatening Corrin. Corrin made his own threats, telling The All Father that if he continued with the invasion of the new worlds, he would retaliate. 


The next day, an invasion fleet passed over Arcadia heading to the new worlds. Corrin and the Warrior Priests intercepted the fleet and sparked the Battle of the New Worlds. This battle was the catalyst to the War for the Universe




After the Battle of the New Worlds, emissaries from a few of the worlds under the Black Palace traveled to Arcadia to speak with Corrin. The emissaries were General Dalire of Kaasiar, Emoran of Aoweii, Rolyn of Fargulk, General Gaffen of Yres, Amoz Moza of Talevum, and Sergex of Scav. They made it clear that they were ready to fight alongside Corrin against the Black Palace. 


After first, Corrin was hesitant. It was Evrii and Zhao-Lan who convinced him to take up the fight against his own father. Days later, the emissaries returned with their own armies and warriors. Immediately a campaign to liberate the known worlds began.


The War for the Universe officially started with the liberation of Pugart. It was here where the planets on Corrin's side designated themselves as The Allegiance. The Allegiance continued to liberate the known worlds, fighting the Black Palace Military along the way. 


On Kkooddrraa, Corrin met with Aklan the Warlord of Warlords to gather more support for the war. Aklan refused, citing Corrin's time as the Shepherd of Fire. Some from Kkooddrraa did end up joining The Allegiance. They were Tolan, Reza, Keelo, Essa, and Vano. The group became known as the Outlaws of Kkooddrraa. As Corrin assimilated the new group into The Allegiance, General Dalire got word that Kaasiar was under attack. Corrin gave him leave to go, and Dalire took the entire Kaasian army with him, depleting the Allegiance forces. 


Later, Corrin received word that Dalire and his army perished on Kaasiar. What startled him was the way they died. Reports came in of creatures with charred purple skin attacking the known worlds. Corrin and The Allegiance leadership decided to send their troops home as they figured out what the creatures were. 


Corrin traveled to Rashalon in secret to speak with his father-in-law, Tirus. He hoped that Tirus would have an idea of what the creatures were, but Tirus had no information to provide. He implored Corrin to speak with the Ovaseryns, reminding Corrin they would have more knowledge than him. As Corrin readied himself to go to Ovaseryn, word came in that Kkooddrraa was under attack by the creatures. 


Corrin and The Allegiance traveled quickly to Kkooddrraa but were met by thousands upon thousands of the creatures swarming the planet. Corrin forced a retreat, saving The Allegiance from being completely consumed. A decision was made to send everyone back to their home worlds to prepare for an attack by the creatures. Corrin took the opportunity to travel to Ovaseryn alone to find the answers he needed. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Book Two of 'The Old Universe' releases November 19th, 2024.


Visit this page afterward for more on Corrin.

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