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A Farewell to Jargun-Ba

Writer's picture: Luke GeldmacherLuke Geldmacher

Jargun-Ba of The Old Universe

What’s up, Cosmic Nomadics! For those of you new here, my name is Deno Wynn. I’m traveling across the galaxy and exploring the little-known parts of the planets that make up our civilization. Welcome to the Halcyon Daze.

As I prepare to leave the underground city of Jornal on Jargun-Ba, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey I've had here. From the stunning landscapes to the resilient people (as well as the terrifying creatures), Jargun-Ba has been an experience like no other.

The Beauty of Jargun-Ba

Jargun-Ba is a gorgeous planet. While it doesn’t have the most diverse of climates and biomes, the ones it has are full of life and color. The mountainous peaks unaffected by the crashing of Grater are tall and majestic, piercing the toxic clouds and reaching for the sky. 

Speaking of Grater crashing, the crater left behind is a beautiful, if deadly, sight to behold. The crater's edges are spiking reminders of the violence of the crash, while the jungle surrounding it is a reminder of the tenacity of the living.

My favorite moment was sitting in one of the alcoves carved into a mountain near Jornal. Even though I was wearing my suit, I could almost feel the cool night breeze wafting over me. As I watched Rayon Prime set, the atmosphere went through a kaleidoscope of colors from the mixture of chemicals in the air—purple, blue, green, fuschia, and everything in between. Watching that final sunset was truly a sight to behold.

The Resilient Jagunians

The people of Jargun-Ba are a sight to behold themselves. Through all the trials and tribulations they have faced for generations they have demonstrated what resilience people can have, and what they can build when they work together.

I had the opportunity from afar as a hunting party brought down an ash wyrm in a fierce battle. Your boy got down and dirty working alongside the farmers in the mosswood groves and harvested kuju fruit with a bone blade. But the best part was sitting around the fire at night, listening to the stories of the Jargunians past.

I’ve learned so many things on Jargun-Ba. Probably the most important lesson of all was to remain steadfast, and that working with other people would accomplish more than I could ever do by myself.


None of my journey here would have been possible without Ka’vex. That man risked so much to just bring me here. Not only that, he’s kept me safe for the entire journey (barring a few incidents where I was being an idiot).

His story is similar to the Jargunians from who he is descended. A story of hardship, determination, and perseverance. He’s hard on himself for the mistakes he’s made in his past, but I don’t see the mistakes. What I see is a man determined to be better than the man he was yesterday. 

And that’s something to be admired.

Saying Goodbye

I’m writing this as we leave Jargun-Ba and head back to Brarcolyn. Ka’vex says we’ll have to hook up with a pirate crew and come back with them so we don’t look suspicious. He’s already made the arrangement, but part of me hopes it’ll be the same crew I spent some time with when I was on Brarcolyn.

Saying goodbye was harder than I thought it would be. I meant for my journeys to be carefree and fun. Little diversions to get some adventure and excitement in my life. There was fun on Jargun-Ba, but there was also a lot of hardship. But that’s the universe we live in. Despite the dark times, we have to find a way to laugh and look for the bright spots. 

A Farewell to Jargun-Ba

So with that, I bid a fond farewell to Jargun-Ba. It’s no longer a dead planet, a toxic planet. It’s a planet full of life, and people, and stories that have yet to be revealed. And I’ll never forget it.

So, that brings us to what’s next. I plan on staying in the Rayon Prime system until I see everything here. But where to go next? I’ll have some time on Brarcolyn to think about it, but I’ll let you put your input in as well. Will I go to the mining colonies of Gorkon, or visit the mysterious Nyla, or maybe the rebellious Pugart? Vote on the poll, and whatever the top answer is, I’ll figure out a way to get there and show you the secret places.

Until then, Cosmic Nomadics, stay tuned and keep your eyes on the stars.

Deno Wynn

Where Should I Travel Next?

  • Gorkon

  • Nyla

  • Pugart


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