As the Itarian Empire spread across the stars during The Long Sleep, there were several episodes of severe repression. These were moments of oppression against those who wanted freedom for their homeworlds and were against Itarian occupation. One tragic chapter of hardship was the massacre of Fargulkians, known as Black Morning.
Lead Up To The Massacre
By 444,469 DTLS C5(During The Long Sleep, Cycle 5), the Itarian Empire had already conquered all of Fargulk. The planet was subjugated to intense colonization, forcing the giants of Fargulk to either bend to the will of the invaders or fight for their survival. Itarian policy was strict and cruel, setting the stage for any act of rebellion to be put down with immediate force. Many Fargulkians over the next several thousand years made attempts to free their kin. Revolutions were sparked, acts of sabotage were committed, and skirmishes across Fargulk were fought. But each time the giants rebelled, the Itarians were victorious.

In 447,289 DTLS C5, Horzavin ascended to the Itarian Throne. He was the Twenty-Sixth Emperor since Vorza formed the empire 2,817 years prior. Emperor Horzavin inherited a united empire, strong in its military might and stable in trade. Unlike his predecessors, Horzavin's reign was quite short. His quick reign was plagued with internal grief after the death of two of his sons, Horzav and Nazan. The two of them were killed during a rebellion on Fargulk, triggering a year-long battle against the empire and the giants. Horzavin was criticized for not taking stronger action against the Fargulkians and many within the Imperial Court questioned his judgement.
After the deaths of Horzav and Nazan, Emperor Horzavin became a recluse. The grief weighed him down to the point where he stopped attending meetings, canceled routine trips to tour the empire, and neglected his surviving son. Oleva was the second son of Emperor Horzavin. After the deaths of his two brothers, Oleva became the heir. He witnessed his father deteriorate in front of him while rumors spread of the emperor's weakness. Oleva was born in 447,250 DTLS C5 in Var, the capital of the Itarian Empire. When his brothers died, he swore to avenge them. Even though the Fargulkian rebellion was extinguished by the time Oleva ascended to the throne, his anger remained. In 447,319 DTLS C5, Emperor Horzavin died, making way for Oleva to become the next Itarian Emperor.

(Emperor Oleva - Depicted by Noplian Scribe and Artist Orhnia.)
Black Morning
Oleva ascended to the Itarian throne in 447,319 DTLS C5. Week-long festivities were set in traditional Itarian fashion. As Itarian citizens prepared for parties and feasts, Oleva had other plans. The day following his coronation, Oleva flew to Fargulk on dragon back and torched entire cities and villages. Ancient sites were disintegrated in the early hours of the morning. Emperor Oleva ordered his dragon riders to destroy as much as possible. For the next few hours, cosmic dragons flew across the planet, burning everything in their path.
The campaign ended before noon, with over 3 million Fargulkians dead and two continents completely obliterated. The aftermath was just as bad. Oleva stayed on Fargulk for the remainder of his reign, implementing policies and actions towards the Fargulkians that none of his predecessors could have ever imagined. The torching of the land made certain areas uninhabitable for the next few cycles, forcing Fargulkians to relocate to designated zones that made it easier for Oleva to impose his cruelty. Scribes of Noplia estimated that the death toll was much higher, but were never able to pinpoint an exact number.
The effects of Black Morning were felt across the universe. Conquered planets feared what Oleva was capable of and began to see Fargulkians living in their cities as a threat to their survival. Attacks against Fargulkian citizens became rampant, with Itarian forces turning a blind eye. Aoweii deported Fargulkian citizens, whereas Rashalon cut Fargulkian pay in half. Thousands of giants across the empire became second-class citizens, with millions more becoming displaced.
As Oleva spent the remainder of his reign on Fargulk, he claimed the ancient Fargulkian city of Gorun as his new seat. He renamed the city to Horzan, after his dead brothers Horzav and Nazan. Since he had no children, the Itarian crown was passed to Jazarin, son of Rozen, who was the son of Revaz, who was the son of Emperor Halazan, Oleva's great-great-grandfather. Emperor Oleva died in 447,492 DTLS C5, after reigning for 173 years. Amongst Noplian Scribes and historians across the universe, Black Morning is considered the deadliest massacre in Itarian history. To this day, Fargulkians spend the anniversary of the massacre in mourning, remembering the lives lost and making sure nothing like that ever happens again.
What are things like on Fargulk now? Did they ever recover from when the Itarians ruled over them?
Wish the Itarians were still around so I could ride dragons and commit some war crimes with them
Love the Itarian history! Can't wait to see more of it.