Many feared this day would come, while others remained hopeful. With the last uncovered star-log, it is now confirmed that there has been a death on Treph'os V. Unlike the rare accidents that typically cause fatalities on trading ships, this death is almost certainly the result of foul play. The Black Palace already had tight control of the investigation, but with this recent discovery, all measures went into overdrive.
All previous star-logs can be accessed here.
When a star-log is decoded it is sent over to a Black Palace official for review. The official usually responds with their guidance by the end of the day. The fifth star-log however, had a response less than 20 minutes after being submitted. A new wave of security ordinances swept the Dyalt Institute of Technology. Black Palace soldiers were now stationed in labs. Permiters were set around the Institute and surrounding buildings, fully armed with Black Palace artillery. The investigation now more resembled a military operation. Myerian researchers did not protest as much as they did before, with death being confirmed they felt vulnerable and almost welcomed the added security.
The increased measures also spread beyond the main operating base of the investigation. Detained suspects relating to the Treph'os V incident were set to be released soon, however, their release dates were pushed back. Family members of the missing crew were now ordered by The Balck Palace to report to them for questioning, or they would be met by force. Surprisingly, many family members of the crew came to The Black Palace quickly. They had hoped during the questioning they could learn any new updates about their missing loved ones. Unfortunately, no updates about the missing Treph'os V have been disclosed to the public.
As information became scarce, the residents of the Mehdias JX7 system started developing their own theories. Many allude that the investigation is a conspiracy and that The Black Palace knows what happened to the missing trade ship but is unwilling to share the information. Other predictions are a bit more on the wild side, such as the Treph'os V being attacked by a cryptic Itarian cosmic dragon, or that the crew detoured to the intoxicating planet of Quibbi.
Researchers and officials back on Myero maintained focus and worked diligently to find more star-logs. Black Palace personnel were now actively in the lab and would work to piece decoded data together for an official timeline. The timeline was in the beginning stages but as more evidence is revealed, it will present the official story of what happened. Finally, as all the operations were underway, another star-log was successfully decoded!
The most updated protocol was used to find the star-log. This process had researchers actively looking for damaged logs that displayed signs of tampering. Due to damage, the new star-log had no audio but a passable video feed.
Video Description
(The video starts with the log camera shifted at a new angle. This view shows more of the area of the ship. The inner deck of the Treph'os V is shown. Flashes immediately start to appear, they seem to be coming from a hallway that is right at the edge of the video. For a few moments, nothing is happening. Then, three workers come into view, sprinting as fast as they can. It looks like they're running away from something. A fourth worker runs in right behind them, the only one now in view. This worker then pulls out a blaster, pointing it towards the hallway where the flashes came from. A few shots are fired but the worker gets shot around the chest area and collapses. For a while, the video almost seems frozen as the worker's body lay on the deck, lifeless and still. Eventually, two other figures come in. They're dressed differently and fully masked. One of the figures is carrying a handblaster while the other is sporting a rifle. The video cuts off.)