Brawny came forward in a headlong charge aimed at Pick’s midsection while Baldie circled to the side. Pick didn’t have time to worry about what she was doing at the moment though. He jumped straight up, clearing Brawny by fractions and causing the man to dive headlong into the display case he’d been standing in front of. The man crashed through the cheap wood and glass case, shattering the display and sending cheap baubles flying across the room.
When Pick landed on his feet Baldie was swinging the baton at his head. He bent backward, dodging the blow only to have her backswing catch him in the arm. Pain lanced through him as the metal baton sent shockwaves through his nervous system. He danced away from her third swing, rolling backward across another display to get some distance.
Brawny began rising to his feet, bits of particle board and broken glass raining to the floor from his back and shoulders as he rose. Baldie was still trying to rub the grit from her eyes and Pick saw his opportunity.
He raced over the Brawny, stepping up on his back and launching himself into the air. Then, Pick kicked off the wall at Baldie’s head. She raised her shoulder in time to take most of the blow there, but the kick sent her spinning to the ground.
This was a losing battle, and Pick knew it. There was no way he could take on both of them. His best bet was to cut his losses and run.
“This had been ever so much fun, but Mom says I got to get home for dinner,” Pick quipped before turning and sprinting out the door.
Pick ran through the door, hoping to get lost among the crowd. That plan was cut short as he came face to face with Blue, who stood just outside the door with a wry smile on her face and a stun baton in her hand. The end crackled to life, sending arcs of blue-white lighting between them as she jabbed Pick in the gut.
Barbs of fiery pain raced through his body as the electricity lanced through his body. His muscles spasmed, and Pick collapsed on the ground in a breathless heap. He looked up at Blue, whose smile broadened as she jabbed him again. Pick twitched on the ground, helpless against the voltage coursing through him.
Darkness crowded the edge of Pick’s vision and he groaned as he lay on the ground and tried to recover his senses. His body still refused to obey his commands, and he heard the door open as Baldie and Brawny walked through, ignoring the shopkeeper flinging curses at them.
“Bind his hands and bring him along,” Blue said in a Silky smooth voice.
Pick felt a pair of strong hands lift him to his feet, while another bound his hands with some kind of tight cord. Long, well-manicured nails ran through his sweaty hair, pulling it back painfully. His eyes flickered open at the stimuli, and he stared deeply into the shining eyes of Blue.
“I have a few questions for our little thief here.”
Oh, this is going to be fantastic. Pick thought to himself before he lost consciousness.
To be continued...