Before the Itarians invaded, Rashalon was ruled by noble houses. These houses were spread across Rashalon's continents, warring with each other over resources, land, and political disagreements. House Delshire cemented their rule as Kings of Rarshath, Rashalon's main continent. Throughout the Cycles, many other houses fell in line under the iron rule of House Delshire until Vorza and his armies arrived.
These are the Ancient Houses of Rashalon:

Dormin I, King of Rarshath
The House of Delshire was a Rasho noble house, and previously the reigning house of Rarshath. Since its founding in 275,678 DTLS C3, there have been thousands of Rasho monarchs of the House of Delshire. In 275,678 DTLS C3, Dotrimin Delshire and his wife Menophia led their nomadic people into the northern woods of Rarshath. There, a settlement was built which would become Delshire. By the time of his death, Dotrimin had successfully built a lasting home for his family and people. Dotrimin passed leadership to his son who became King Dormin I, marking the start of a long-ruling period by the Delshire Royal House.
Continent: Rarshath
Founded: 275,678 DTLS C3
Founder: Dotrimin Delshire
Current head: Duke Jahgros Delshire

Lanet Krentan
The Krentan family was an aristocratic family on Rashalon. From the 3rd cycle, its members have held numerous titles including the dukedom of Krentan, the earldoms of SorenHall, and the Tydin barony. Two prominent members of the family during the Itarian Era were Duke Mil’Mer Krentan and Alana, Princess of Delshire. The House was founded in 289,113 DTLS C3 by Lanet Krentan, from whom all members descend. Lanet Krentan was ordered by the King of Rarshath to survey the lowlands. Lanet reported what he found and was given way to establish a settlement. The next few cycles saw the establishment grow into a prominent area, with the House of Krentan as the lands overlords. The House of Krentan was always loyal to the royal House of Delshire, even during wartime, and rumors of Krentan blood being successors to the throne.
Continent: Rarshath
Founded: 289,113 DTLS C3
Founder: Lanet Krentan
Current head: Duchess Evel’yn Krentan

The House of Olos was an Asha family and one of the leading noble families in Rarshath during the Itarian Era. Its most famous member was Gorwin Olos, husband to Empress Carlenza of Itarus. Olos, after whom the family is named, was the chief of a large tribe in Eastern Rarshath known as the Shans. As the Delshire Royal House expanded its territories, the House of Krentan was decreed to take all lands east of the Asha Hills in the name of King Dotrimin IV. This sparked the War of Expansion. The Shans fought the Krentan bannermen diligently, holding off advancements and keeping their land for seven years. The war finally ended with King Dotrimin IV offering Olos titles, money, and land holdings in East Rarshath. In 297,654 DTLS C3, the House of Olos was established, with the titles of Count and Duke granted.
Continent: Rarshath
Founded: 297,654 DTLS C3
Founder: Olos
Current head: Duke Orlorwin Olos
The Forenheim family was a Rasho dynasty that originated as a clan of Vasari herders in Southwest Rarshath. The titles of baron and later count were granted towards the end of the 3rd cycle after the War of the Hills. The first member of the House of Forenheim was Jy’lessia Forenheim, who married Prince Hyman of the royal House of Delshire. Her marriage elevated the Forenheims to nobility. When Hyman became King of Rarshath, the Forenheims were granted holdings in the South West and designated as the Lords of Forenheim. In 299,170 DTLS C3, the House of Forenheim was officially designated a noble house across Rarshath.
Continent: Rarshath
Founded: 299,170 DTLS C3
Founder: Jy’lessia Forenheim
Current head: Duke Fran’Mert Forenheim

Grayson I, King of Vasariland
The House of Toren was a dynasty of largely Rarshath origin. They descended from the Torens of Forenheim and Vy’ctoria of SorenHall. The Toren monarchs ruled Vasariland and its realms, including holdings in South Ashaland and islands near North Ashaland. The Toren family rose to power and started the Toren dynasty in the wake of the War of the Hills (299,385 - 299,395 DTLS C3).
The Torens of Forenheim were an aristocratic family connected with the House of Forenheim in South-West Rarshath. From this family arose Earl Grayson Toren, a military leader of noble birth who served Lord Forenheim. During the War of the Hills, Grayson Toren murdered his Lord and assumed control of Forenheim, declaring himself King of Rarshath. This made all the other Houses align against him, forcing Grayson Toren and his kin to flee Rarshath.
Grayson Toren and his kin took to the seas, bringing along with them more than half of Forenheim’s military forces. The Torens landed on a new continent, full of grasslands, Vasari’s, and native Ashas(later Rashos). The Torens took over the entire continent and renamed it Vasariland, establishing the House of Toren in 299,399 DTLS C3. By 299,400 DTLS C3, the House of Toren became the Royal House of Toren, reigning over Vasariland for the next few cycles.
Continent: Vasariland
Founded: 299,399 DTLS C3
Founder: Grayson Toren
Current head: Duke Bachlan Toren
House Idewin
House Py’er
House Baelford
House Maysun
House Neel
House Yor’d
House Porte
House Ryian
House Wyntor
House Cresly
House Horentree
House Olden
House Baronmer
House Koren
House Yggdraheim
Are any of these houses still active now that the All Father rules over them?